using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.ServiceModel; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Linq; using System.Xml.Linq; using dk.nsi.seal; using dk.nsi.seal.dgwstypes; using dk.nsi.seal.Factories; using dk.nsi.seal.Model; using dk.nsi.seal.Model.DomBuilders; using dk.nsi.seal.Vault; using NUnit.Framework; using SealTest.AssertionTests.AssertionBuilders; using GW = SealTest.SosiGW; using invokeResponse = SealTest.NSTWsProvider.invokeResponse; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using dk.nsi.seal.EndpointBehaviors; using static SealTest.SosiGW.SosiGWFacadeClient.EndpointConfiguration; using static dk.nsi.seal.MessageHeaders.XmlMessageHeader; using static dk.nsi.seal.MessageHeaders.IdCardMessageHeader; namespace SealTest { [TestFixture] public class SosiGwTest { private readonly ICredentialVault moces3Vault = CredentialVaultTestUtil.GetMoces3CredentialVault(); private readonly ICredentialVault voces3Vault = CredentialVaultTestUtil.GetVoces3CredentialVault(); /// /// Pre-Condition: User does not have an IdCard in the GW-cache. /// /// Calls requestIdCardForSigning and signIdCard operations. /// /// The newly created idcard is stored in SOSI-GW and can be used to call services through SOSI GW. In this example the test-service (NTS) is called. /// [Test] public async Task TestSosiGwRequestIdCardForSigningAndSignIdCardOces3() { var idCard = await DoLogin(moces3Vault.GetSystemCredentials(), "91026150", "0306894781", "KT2Z4"); await CallNts(idCard); } /// /// Pre-Condition: User does not have an IdCard in the GW-cache. /// Input: Valid Boot Strap Token (BST). In this case it is a OIOH3BST token. /// Output: Newly created and unsigned idcard. /// /// The newly created idcard is stored in SOSI-GW and can be used to call services through SOSI GW. In this example the test-service (NTS) is called. /// [Test] public Task TestSosiGwCreateIdCardFromBST() { var assertionBuilderOIOH3Bst = OIOBSTAssertionBuilderHelper.CreateOIOH3BSTSAMLAssertionBuilder(moces3Vault, voces3Vault); OIOBSTSAMLAssertionToIDCardRequestDOMBuilder oioh3RequestBuilder = OIOBSTAssertionBuilderHelper.CreateOIOH3RequestBuilderFromAssertionBuilder(moces3Vault); oioh3RequestBuilder.SetOIOSAMLAssertion(assertionBuilderOIOH3Bst.Build()); oioh3RequestBuilder.UserAuthorizationCode = "KT2Z4"; // Findes i AuthorizationServiceStub for cpr 1802602810 var response = SendRequestSosiGw(oioh3RequestBuilder.Build()); var idCard = response.IdCard; Assert.False(response.IsFault, response.FaultString); Assert.Null(response.GetSigningCertificate()); return CallNts(idCard); } private static Task CallNts(IdCard idCard) { var binding = new CustomBinding(); binding.Elements.Add(new TextMessageEncodingBindingElement(MessageVersion.Soap11WSAddressingAugust2004, Encoding.UTF8)); binding.Elements.Add(new HttpTransportBindingElement()); var client = new NSTWsProvider.NtsWSProviderClient(binding, new EndpointAddress("")); client.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add(new SealEndpointBehavior()); client.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add(new ViaBehavior(new Uri(""))); var dgwsHeader = new Header { SecurityLevel = 4, SecurityLevelSpecified = true, Linking = new Linking { MessageID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D") } }; using (new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel)) { // Adding seal-security and dgws-header soap header OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(IdCardHeader(idCard)); OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(XmlHeader(dgwsHeader)); // Throws Exception if not succesful. return client.invokeAsync("test"); } } private OIOBSTSAMLAssertionToIDCardResponse SendRequestSosiGw(XDocument xDocument) { var response = WebPost(xDocument.Root, TestConstants.SosiGwCreateIdCardFromBst); var modelBuilder = OIOSAMLFactory.CreateOIOBSTSAMLAssertionToIDCardResponseModelBuilder(); return modelBuilder.Build(new XDocument(response)); } private XElement WebPost(XElement request, string url) { try { var WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest; WebRequest.Method = "POST"; WebRequest.ContentType = "text/xml; charset=utf-8"; WebRequest.Headers.Add("SOAPAction", ""); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { var w = new XmlTextWriter(ms, Encoding.UTF8); request.Save(w); w.Flush(); WebRequest.ContentLength = ms.Length; ms.Position = 0; ms.CopyTo(WebRequest.GetRequestStream()); } var response = WebRequest.GetResponse(); return XElement.Load(response.GetResponseStream(), LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace); } catch (WebException ex) { if (ex.Response == null) throw; return XElement.Load(ex.Response.GetResponseStream()); } } public static async Task DoLogin(X509Certificate2 cert, string cvr, string cpr = "1802602810", string authorization = "ZXCVB") { var gwClient = new GW.SosiGWFacadeClient(SosiGWSoapBinding, ""); var sec = MakeSecurity(MakeAssertionForSTS(cvr, cpr, authorization)); var dig = await gwClient.requestIdCardDigestForSigningAsync(sec, "whatever"); var csp = cert.GetRSAPrivateKey(); var sha1 = new SHA1Managed(); var hash = sha1.ComputeHash(dig.requestIdCardDigestForSigningResponse.DigestValue); var rb = new GW.signIdCardRequestBody { SignatureValue = csp.SignHash(hash, HashAlgorithmName.SHA1, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1), KeyInfo = new GW.KeyInfo { Item = new GW.X509Data { Item = cert.Export(X509ContentType.Cert) } } }; var res = await gwClient.signIdCardAsync(sec, rb); if (res.signIdCardResponse != GW.signIdCardResponse.ok) { throw new Exception("Gateway logon error"); } var xAssertion = from element in SerializerUtil.Serialize(sec).Root.Elements() where element.Name.LocalName == "Assertion" select element; var idCard = new UserIdCard { Xassertion = xAssertion.FirstOrDefault() }; return idCard; } private static GW.Security MakeSecurity(GW.AssertionType assertion) { return new GW.Security { id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"), Timestamp = new GW.Timestamp { Created = DateTimeEx.UtcNowRound - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5) }, Assertion = assertion }; } private static GW.AssertionType MakeAssertionForSTS(string cvr, string cpr = "1802602810", string authorization = "ZXCVB") { var vnow = DateTimeEx.UtcNowRound - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); var ass = new GW.AssertionType { IssueInstant = vnow, id = "IDCard", Version = 2.0m, Issuer = "WinPLC", Conditions = new GW.Conditions { NotBefore = vnow, NotOnOrAfter = vnow + TimeSpan.FromHours(8) }, Subject = new GW.Subject { NameID = new GW.NameIDType { Format = GW.SubjectIdentifierType.medcomcprnumber, Value = "2203333571" }, SubjectConfirmation = new GW.SubjectConfirmation { ConfirmationMethod = GW.ConfirmationMethod.urnoasisnamestcSAML20cmholderofkey, SubjectConfirmationData = new GW.SubjectConfirmationData { Item = new GW.KeyInfo { Item = "OCESSignature" } } } }, AttributeStatement = new[] { new GW.AttributeStatement { id = GW.AttributeStatementID.IDCardData, Attribute = new[] { new GW.Attribute {Name = GW.AttributeName.sosiIDCardID, AttributeValue = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D")}, new GW.Attribute {Name = GW.AttributeName.sosiIDCardVersion, AttributeValue = "1.0.1"}, new GW.Attribute {Name = GW.AttributeName.sosiIDCardType, AttributeValue = "user"}, new GW.Attribute {Name = GW.AttributeName.sosiAuthenticationLevel, AttributeValue = "4"} } }, new GW.AttributeStatement { id = GW.AttributeStatementID.UserLog, Attribute = new[] { new GW.Attribute {Name = GW.AttributeName.medcomUserCivilRegistrationNumber, AttributeValue = cpr}, new GW.Attribute {Name = GW.AttributeName.medcomUserGivenName, AttributeValue = "Stine"}, new GW.Attribute {Name = GW.AttributeName.medcomUserSurName, AttributeValue = "Svendsen"}, new GW.Attribute {Name = GW.AttributeName.medcomUserEmailAddress, AttributeValue = ""}, new GW.Attribute {Name = GW.AttributeName.medcomUserRole, AttributeValue = "læge"}, new GW.Attribute {Name = GW.AttributeName.medcomUserAuthorizationCode, AttributeValue = authorization} } }, new GW.AttributeStatement { id = GW.AttributeStatementID.SystemLog, Attribute = new[] { new GW.Attribute {Name = GW.AttributeName.medcomITSystemName, AttributeValue = ""}, new GW.Attribute { Name = GW.AttributeName.medcomCareProviderID, AttributeValue = cvr, NameFormat = GW.SubjectIdentifierType.medcomcvrnumber, NameFormatSpecified = true }, new GW.Attribute {Name = GW.AttributeName.medcomCareProviderName, AttributeValue = "Statens Serum Institut"} } } } }; return ass; } } }